What is your favorite way to stay healthy?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NCIL 2008 Picture1

pictures from my trip to Washington D.C.

Hi, here are some pictures from my trip to Washington D.C. I went there for the National Council on Independent Living conference in July. I had a great time and it was a great learning experience. I attended workshops about the Americans with Disabilities Act, creating a community for people with disabilities, and a youth caucus. In addition, we went to Capital Hill to speak with our representatives about signing bills that pertain to people with disabilities. As I said, it was an excellent opportunity for me and I really enjoyed it. Have a great day everyone. Dan

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my sister is coming home!

Hi, I am extremely excited this morning because my sister is coming back to New York City in a few hours. She was in Africa for two months and it felt like much longer than that. She was studying monkeys and baboons in order to gather information for a paper she is writing for her P.H.D. degree. I am very proud of her and hope she arrives back in New York City safely. Anyway, those are just my thoughts for today.
Take care,

a comment on comments

Good morning, it's Dan the man here. I just wanted to take some time out to explain how to leave a comment, because I have heard from a few people that it is difficult. Here is what you do:
Click on the title of the posting that you want to comment on
On the next page, click on "post a comment"
Enter your comments and publish! It's that easy.
Thanks for your time, I'll talk to you soon. Dan

Saturday, August 16, 2008

my frustration after listening to Yankees' loss

Hey everyone, it's Dan again. I hope you are all having a great weekend. It’s been a while since I last blogged, so today I wanted to check in with you and communicate my frustration at this time with the team we call:
Actually, at this point in time, they don’t deserve that exclamation mark.
But first, let me give you some background: I have been a Yankees fan as far back as I can remember, possibly since I was five years old. I have cheered them on through good times, and particularly in the ‘80’s, some bad ones. We have been on a bad streak since our glorious defeat of the Mets in 2000. There was 2001, against the diamondbacks, and I dare not mention 2004 against the dreaded Boston red sox, and now in 2008 we are choking in an extreme way.
I would like to take a moment of your time, however, to talk about Yankee pride. I am very proud to be a New York Yankees fan. It is a big part of my life, and of who I am. I try to not take defeat personally, but that feels difficult sometimes. I am a true New Yorker, and I take my enthusiasm for the Yankees very seriously.
Getting back to my point, I have devoted a major part of my life this season to watching each game. Normally I watch part of the game, flip around the channels of the television to find out what else is on, and am somewhat upset after each loss. Last night was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I was extremely frustrated after our recent loss; I even surprised myself by the level of my irritation with the Yankees. Yes, I could go on and blame certain players, but today I will not. No, do you know who I will blame? I blame everyone: from Mariano who blew the save and who took the loss, to Justin Christian who was picked off in the bottom of the ninth, to our lack of offense after leaving so many runners on base.
Now there might be someone out there saying: “he’s blind, how does he watch TV?” Good question, thanks for asking: I listen to the TV, or I listen to the radio. When I am with my friends, I will listen to the game that they are watching on TV. In general, I try to use my other senses to make up for my lack of vision. Furthermore, in my opinion, my four other senses do as much as your five. One misconception that I would like to clear up is the notion that my senses are “magically heightened.” That would be awesome, but I must use years of experience in order to maximize the use of my senses. Getting back to the baseball issue, however, it is granted that the radio announcers give better description because they understand that listeners are not currently watching the game.

Thanks for hearing me out, I appreciate all of your support. I will be in touch soon with another scintillating rant on the adventure known as life. Until then, take care.

Monday, August 11, 2008

my very first post

Hello, my name is Daniel Aronoff and this is my very first post on my very first blog! Today I would like to talk about my disability: I am blind, but I am just like you (the person who is reading this): I cross the street by myself, I take the subway and bus, I even use a computer and created this blog with absolutely no assistance. I welcome any and all questions from anyone who is curious. I feel that the greatest barrier for someone with a disability is the discrimination from people who believe certain misconceptions or stereotypes about people with disabilities. Please ask before you judge.

Well, I feel better now that I got that off of my chest. In the future, I'll keep you up to date with music, sports, technology, and other fascinating stories and facts. Stay tuned!

Take care