What is your favorite way to stay healthy?

Monday, December 29, 2008

the Facebook test

Ok, so I linked my blog to my facebook account, great. Now, what exactly am I doing on facebook? If everything goes well, this newest blog will be posted soon on facebook, by the way can someone explain to me the benefits and usage of facebook? (just comment on this blog and explain away).
New Year's Eve is coming up soon, I am fortunate to be living in the greatest city in the world! 2008 has been good for me, but in terms of the economy and country: not so much. I am waiting for the day when Obama takes office, it's time already!
There is something about chocolate, I don't know, I have no words to articulate it, but the blessings of dark chocolate are incredible. This is different for me, I usually wouldn't say this, but if I had to pick one food that is not on my "diet" I would pick chocolate, particularly dark chocolate.
I'm just living my life
day by day
waiting for the Yankees
to bring a championship my way.
We might get Manny
but I have no fear
so I wish everyone the best
and have a happy new year!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

it's been a long time, sorry I left

Hello and happy holidays to all, regardless of religion! I know it's been a while since I last blogged, sorry. I have been extremely busy with everything going on with school and my internship, and nothing has particularly inspired me to write. However, today I just thought I would talk about a few issues that are on my mind.
1. I love what the yankees are doing, they are going out there and getting Substantial help. (sorry, this is an inside joke, when I say substantial help I really mean no help) All of these new free agents are great players, I will grant you that. We are fortunate to pay a zillion for each one. At the same time, I am pretty sure that we should have learned from the past, you can't necessarily win a championship by paying for a virtual all star team. Baseball is a TEAM sport, putting together a bunch of great playeers from different teams does not really guarantee you anything. I personally value a team with solid playeers, who know how to do the basic things like bunting, fielding, and pitching, and who have a good sense of chemistry.
2. So you might not know this, but I am blind. Great, get over it! I am tired of people judging me or thinking less of me because of my disability. Do you know how hard it is to make new friends or meet someone new when people can't
"see" past the fact that I have no vision? Another thing: I am frustrated because when I travel I am constantly getting bombarded by people who: bump into me without looking, grab me by the arm and push me onto the subway or accross the street, or ask me questions like "if you are blind, how do you cross the street/dress yourself/go to school?" I only answer these questions because by not answering them I would only allow them to continue using their misconceptions.
3. Is it me, or are people not as excited about the holidays this year as normal? I know we are in the middle of a recession, but come on! Money might be short but let's try to stay positive. Just keep in mind: in 1933, during the height of the great depression, 15 million Americans were unemployed. This is far from our current 5.6% unemployment rate, although people with disabilities face 70% unemployment as it is so we have to work on that.
Life is an adventure, money is great and I love it, but life is about more than that. I wish everyone happiness, and I hope that America stays positive even if the stock market does not. Dan

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hi everyone, well I am out the door tomorrow, out to Columbus Ohio for Thanksgiving 2008. I am very excited, but not so much about the turkey. Am I the only person out here who thinks that there are more important things on this day than the turkey? Obviously, I am talking about stuffing and sweet potatoes. No, actually, I am really talking about family: the one day of the year when a large portion of my family actually gets together for a couple of days.
I must apologize for my lack in the recent blogging, between not feeling well, school, internship, and term papers, I have found very little time for this. There are several topics I wish to discuss, but I feel no inspiration about any particular one at this time. So, let me cover a few issues:
1. The Yankees NEED new pitching, please let’s avoid young inexperienced minor leaguers or old over-the-hill about-to-retire pitchers.
2. I am still extremely happy about the election of Obama, but don’t expect me to blog over every little decision he makes. This country is in serious trouble, and our depression is far from great. It might soon feel like FDR days, and I mean this not as a comparison between FDR and Obama but as a time of economic troubles and reform in the United States. We might not know if Obama did a good job or not until several years from now.
3. Black Friday is coming up, so get ready to take advantage. For all tech geeks, this year presents one terabyte hard drives for one hundred dollars and laptops for under $500! I don’t know what if anything I will buy, but I will definitely be looking.
4. Finally, I think that it is time for this country to have accessible currency. Why do all of our bills feel the same? Why are they all the same size? I am getting tired of paying for a taxi or buying something from seven eleven and having a feeling in the back of my mind of “did I get back the right change?”We are one of a very few countries in the world who don’t have money that is accessible to the blind. Some countries use dots on their bills, some use different sizes of bills, and some use only coins! I don’t care which one we use, as long as we just get a new system in place as soon as possible!
I will occasionally be told by someone: “I wanted to comment on your blog, but didn’t know how.” Well, here you go: click on the link “thanksgiving”. It will have a link "post a comment", so just click on the link and on the next page, go ahead and write something and click submit. I realize that sometimes it asks for a word verification, so if it does then just type in the letters or numbers on your screen and then submit your comment. Although this system of word verification is not very accessible, I am looking into it and hopefully I will resolve this with blog spot in the future.
Sometimes I use humor in my blogs, I think today’s was more serious and heartfelt. Sorry if I disappointed any of you. I would like to wish everyone out there a very happy Thanksgiving. Have a safe trip and enjoy the day! Dan

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

politics as unusual?

Hello my friends, I have come here tonight to talk about the biggest story of this ddecade. Obviously, all of you know what I am refering to: the Yankees released Jason Giambi today! I find this to be shocking because, oh wait a minute, that's not it! Was there something important I was supposed to do today? Let's see: brushed teeth (check) went to internship (check) what did I do in between? I remember now: I placed my vote for Mr. Obama, who I can now happily report will be the 44th president of our great country.
Now, let me explain my problem today. No, make that problems. First, I waited in line to vote and when I finally arrived, I found out that the "accessible" machine was broken down. I was told that all polling workers had been fully trained (yeah right) and that it was just a problem with the hardware. My other problem is that I was extremely "paranoid" today.
Paranoia is a disturbed thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion (http://www.wikipedia.com).
My thought process was that Mr. Mccain might actually win this race, even though all signs pointed to an Obama victory. Furthermore, I didn't want Obama to Big Brown the race, sorry for the bad reference.
I was so relieved when at approximately 11 PM I (and a good friend of mine) heard on CNN that we had a new president, "that one." (My apologies again for the distasteful joke)
Good-bye Joe the Plummer, Ms. Gosh Darn it you bet ya, and hello change!
Now, here is the next step: Obama needs to actually walk the walk and bring real and concrete change to this country which is in the middle of economic strife and multiple wars which are depleting our resources and hurting us in multiple ways.
Change the world: let's make it more than just a mantra, let's make it reality!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Who am I? That's a great question, and I thank you for asking it. Some would call me a hero, because I am so courageous as a person who is blind. "Wow, you can cross the street without seeing what color the light is," they will tell me. "You can ride the bus? How do you know what stop to get off at?" These are good questions, and I encourage the public to keep on asking them.
This is because asking questions helps to erase misconceptions that people have.
Who am I? Some pity me, and feel soooo bad for me. "You can't see? I am so sorry, life must be hard for you." Well, it sure isn't easy, but it is just my eyes! "How do you dress yourself? That must be impossible."
Who am I? I am normal! I won't get into the specifics of what normal means, but let it suffice to say that I am just like you, with one small exception: I can't see. That's about it.
Ok, that's all for today, it's a rainy day and I have to go to work, so I am trying to feel positive. Have a great day! Dan

Monday, October 20, 2008

MLB world series 2008

Hey there world wide webbers, it is your online friend, Dan! Well it is time to talk about one of the most interesting things to happen this year. The bail out? Yeah, that was interesting, but that's not it. The election? Yes, and I do expect an Obama knock out (Mike Tyson style). But no, I am talking, of course, about the World Series match up of the Tampa Bay Rays Vs. the Philadelphia Phillies. Now I have no interest personally in this series, but I am exstatic to announce that the Boston red sox will have no part in this year's match up. My beloved Yankees are gone, as well as THAT team (for those of you who don't get the reference, I mean the M*ts). However, I am intrigued by this unlikely pairing. We have Tampa Bay, who couldn't sell out if they were giving the tickets away for free, and the Phillies, who are talented but represent one of the smaller big markets. Both teams are qualified to be there, and I think that I will rather enjoy this unlikely series.
I am sad to report that this will be the start of a dark time in my life. As some of you might or might not know, baseball is my favorite sport. Everything else pales in comparison to my love for our American past time. Therefore, I expect the sun not to shine between the end of October and the beginning of March.
I am still in mourning over the loss of a good friend of mine. I'm talking, obviously, of Yankee stadium. After doing much thinking about the matter, I have come to the conclusion that the events that led to the destruction of a historical landmark were out of my control and all I can do now is look forward to a new season of baseball in the BX (Bronx New York).
Bottom line: whoever wins the world series will be very lucky: it would be the first for the Rays and only the second for the Phillies. That's great, but remind me how many do the Yankees have?
Oh yes, that's right, more than any other franchise in any sport in the history of the universe! I think our legacy will be in place regardless to the disappointment of this season. So, until next time, take care.
(I would like to say hi to my friend DJ (Derik Jeter) who I am hoping is a frequent reader of my blog)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Please read this: I feel like I am talking to myself!

Hit Counter

Free Counter
I understand that I don't blog very often, I do have a life after all. I think that blogging is great, but in my opinion it shouldn't be used to replace regular every day face-to-face communication. However, I have been feeling lately like I am having a conversation with myself (a really interesting, humorous, and inspiring one). I would appreciate your comments on the topics that I speak about. Otherwise, why am I having this monologue? To blog, or not to blog, someone answer that question! If the internet is a super highway, then this must be 2:30 AM in the middle of nowhere because I hear and see no one out here. On a totally unrelated note, rumor has it that the Yankees will have a pitching staff next year consisting of: old men who are past their prime, and young guys who can't get a win if their life counted on it (I'm talking to you, Hues and Kennedy). I personally think that it is time for a change, how about you? Why is it that the Yankees like to acquire pitchers who are at the end of their career, while at the same time continually betting on these young pitchers as if they were pocket aces? I don't know, but I am fed up with it. Alright, that is it for now. Sorry if I sound frustrated today, but I'd rather get it out now and see if anyone else feels the same way that I do. Take care. Dan

Sunday, October 12, 2008

religion can be rediculous

Hi, it’s Dan. Today’s blog might stir up some debate, or at least get some of you to think.

We are living in scary times in the United States. The economy keeps going down like a broken elevator, and tax payers are losing out on their dollars. I keep feeling like we are playing Texas hold ‘em poker and are in a big hand (try 700 billion dollars), where the U.S. is bluffing with nothing but making it seem as if we have a great hand. I have heard that this strategy is actually for the best, but it’s way over my head.

I saw the movie Religulous today, and now I am questioning my own beliefs and the state of my country. The main concept behind this movie is that doubt is a good thing, religion is a made up man made idea and it causes more bad than good. Now, I happen to be Jewish. I don’t think that one religion is better than the next, just different. I also don’t buy in to the stereotypes about certain religions (I.E. not all Muslims are terrorists, Jews don’t control the media, Mormons don’t all have three wives). However, I am having a problem coming to terms with where I stand as a Jew. My mind is made up of two parts: the rational side and the smaller, but still present, religious side. Logically speaking, I understand that there might not be a God, although each day I do observe things that seem to may be caused by a higher power (whatever you choose to call it). As for the religious sector of my brain, it knows that I was raised in the synagogue and contends that God is present and it strives to stay connected to the Jewish community. Therefore, I cannot resolve the conflict of science VS. faith.

I think I know who I am, but it is an ever evolving process. I will continue to pursue some level of religion, while at the same time staying firmly grounded in reality. The bottom line is that, no matter which religion you might choose or not choose to believe in, the following is true: I believe that the best way for society to thrive is if we all are nice to each other, maintain a good sense of ethics and morals, and we must only act towards others as we would expect them to act towards us.

I welcome any comments on this, just click the title of this posting and let me know how you feel. I am not trying to influence or change anyone’s mind, just to start an open dialogue about life and religion and your opinion. I am thinking about blogging about the election and maybe more about disability, but I would really like feedback if you read this. Thanks, Dan.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good bye Yankee stadium, good-bye... Yankees!

Hey everyone, ok so here is the deal regarding the Yankees: even though they are not mathematically eliminated, I have accepted the harsh reality that their season is over. October will be a dark time in New York, and I am definitely not alone in that. The only positive aspect of this whole situation is that the Mets look like they might not make it either! (I know, that was wrong to say, but I feel that I have to look at the bright side in this situation) I don't hate the mets, but I would be jealous if their fans still had games to play next month while we won't. On a sad note, the beloved Yankee stadium will be gone soon, replaced but not forgotten. I had had so many good times there, I have been going there since I was a kid and it has been a big part of my life. During a class last semester about America's recreational habits, my professor described my feelings about Yankee stadium as "an emotional attachment". I suppose she was correct. The new stadium will cost Millions and Millions of dollars to build, and it can not truly replace it's predecessor.
Yankee Stadium: I will miss you.

So, what is life like after baseball? Well, I don't know. I don't feel particularly attached to any other of the New York sports teams, maybe I should see what else is on TV. Oops, I forgot, there is Nothing on TV. So many channels, so few quality shows. And don't get me started on reality shows, I like reality as it is just fine. Maybe I will read a book, I do enjoy listening to books on mp3, but that's a topic for another blog.

Until next time, take care. Yankee stadium: RIP. Dan

Saturday, September 6, 2008

my new portable PC, the Braille aNote!

Hello out there to all of you on the super highway. Today I will be talking about a very exciting new development in my life. Yesterday, I received the Braille Note. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is similar to a portable computer except that it is made for people who are blind. It uses a braille keyboard and refreshable braille display which comes in handy. It also has internet and email capabilities which I think is awesome because now I can make sure that I am always online somewhere (at school, at my internship, or on the go).

I am feeling very overwhelmed. The braille note came with a braille manual which consists of seven (thick) braille volumes of instructions. It's great that I will have this cool piece of technology, but I will be devoting a large amount of my time to learning how to use it.

However, as my parents know, I plan to just start using it before I finish the manual. Life is about trial and error, sometimes you have to make mistakes before you get it right. Well, that's the plan! I'll update you soon about my progress. I already figured out how to use WiFi to get online, and how to connect a USB flash drive to the Braille Note! I was really excited after mastering those two tasks. Take care everybody, Dan.

click here to comment

Hi, please click on the link above to leave a comment. On another note, the 2008 election is really heating up. Of course, I am a big Obama fan, but last week's republican convention has really made alot of people start talking. I encourage all of you to vote in November this year. Personally, I am going to vote by myself on November 4th, I want to be independent! I will use the "so-called" accessible voting machine, and then we will see how "accessible" it really is. However, no matter who you choose to vote for, I believe that we will all be in agreement that it is great that change will be coming in January of 2009!

I apologize for the delay in posting new blog items. I have been getting ready for the new semester in school, and now it is time to keep this blog going! Take care, Dan

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NCIL 2008 Picture1

pictures from my trip to Washington D.C.

Hi, here are some pictures from my trip to Washington D.C. I went there for the National Council on Independent Living conference in July. I had a great time and it was a great learning experience. I attended workshops about the Americans with Disabilities Act, creating a community for people with disabilities, and a youth caucus. In addition, we went to Capital Hill to speak with our representatives about signing bills that pertain to people with disabilities. As I said, it was an excellent opportunity for me and I really enjoyed it. Have a great day everyone. Dan

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my sister is coming home!

Hi, I am extremely excited this morning because my sister is coming back to New York City in a few hours. She was in Africa for two months and it felt like much longer than that. She was studying monkeys and baboons in order to gather information for a paper she is writing for her P.H.D. degree. I am very proud of her and hope she arrives back in New York City safely. Anyway, those are just my thoughts for today.
Take care,

a comment on comments

Good morning, it's Dan the man here. I just wanted to take some time out to explain how to leave a comment, because I have heard from a few people that it is difficult. Here is what you do:
Click on the title of the posting that you want to comment on
On the next page, click on "post a comment"
Enter your comments and publish! It's that easy.
Thanks for your time, I'll talk to you soon. Dan

Saturday, August 16, 2008

my frustration after listening to Yankees' loss

Hey everyone, it's Dan again. I hope you are all having a great weekend. It’s been a while since I last blogged, so today I wanted to check in with you and communicate my frustration at this time with the team we call:
Actually, at this point in time, they don’t deserve that exclamation mark.
But first, let me give you some background: I have been a Yankees fan as far back as I can remember, possibly since I was five years old. I have cheered them on through good times, and particularly in the ‘80’s, some bad ones. We have been on a bad streak since our glorious defeat of the Mets in 2000. There was 2001, against the diamondbacks, and I dare not mention 2004 against the dreaded Boston red sox, and now in 2008 we are choking in an extreme way.
I would like to take a moment of your time, however, to talk about Yankee pride. I am very proud to be a New York Yankees fan. It is a big part of my life, and of who I am. I try to not take defeat personally, but that feels difficult sometimes. I am a true New Yorker, and I take my enthusiasm for the Yankees very seriously.
Getting back to my point, I have devoted a major part of my life this season to watching each game. Normally I watch part of the game, flip around the channels of the television to find out what else is on, and am somewhat upset after each loss. Last night was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I was extremely frustrated after our recent loss; I even surprised myself by the level of my irritation with the Yankees. Yes, I could go on and blame certain players, but today I will not. No, do you know who I will blame? I blame everyone: from Mariano who blew the save and who took the loss, to Justin Christian who was picked off in the bottom of the ninth, to our lack of offense after leaving so many runners on base.
Now there might be someone out there saying: “he’s blind, how does he watch TV?” Good question, thanks for asking: I listen to the TV, or I listen to the radio. When I am with my friends, I will listen to the game that they are watching on TV. In general, I try to use my other senses to make up for my lack of vision. Furthermore, in my opinion, my four other senses do as much as your five. One misconception that I would like to clear up is the notion that my senses are “magically heightened.” That would be awesome, but I must use years of experience in order to maximize the use of my senses. Getting back to the baseball issue, however, it is granted that the radio announcers give better description because they understand that listeners are not currently watching the game.

Thanks for hearing me out, I appreciate all of your support. I will be in touch soon with another scintillating rant on the adventure known as life. Until then, take care.

Monday, August 11, 2008

my very first post

Hello, my name is Daniel Aronoff and this is my very first post on my very first blog! Today I would like to talk about my disability: I am blind, but I am just like you (the person who is reading this): I cross the street by myself, I take the subway and bus, I even use a computer and created this blog with absolutely no assistance. I welcome any and all questions from anyone who is curious. I feel that the greatest barrier for someone with a disability is the discrimination from people who believe certain misconceptions or stereotypes about people with disabilities. Please ask before you judge.

Well, I feel better now that I got that off of my chest. In the future, I'll keep you up to date with music, sports, technology, and other fascinating stories and facts. Stay tuned!

Take care