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I understand that I don't blog very often, I do have a life after all. I think that blogging is great, but in my opinion it shouldn't be used to replace regular every day face-to-face communication. However, I have been feeling lately like I am having a conversation with myself (a really interesting, humorous, and inspiring one). I would appreciate your comments on the topics that I speak about. Otherwise, why am I having this monologue? To blog, or not to blog, someone answer that question! If the internet is a super highway, then this must be 2:30 AM in the middle of nowhere because I hear and see no one out here. On a totally unrelated note, rumor has it that the Yankees will have a pitching staff next year consisting of: old men who are past their prime, and young guys who can't get a win if their life counted on it (I'm talking to you, Hues and Kennedy). I personally think that it is time for a change, how about you? Why is it that the Yankees like to acquire pitchers who are at the end of their career, while at the same time continually betting on these young pitchers as if they were pocket aces? I don't know, but I am fed up with it. Alright, that is it for now. Sorry if I sound frustrated today, but I'd rather get it out now and see if anyone else feels the same way that I do. Take care. Dan
I read every post with much inspiration and hope that it reaches the mass audience that it deserves. As for the Yankees, they need to trade for some pitching promply. Can you comment on the detox album and your thoughts on the world series. Thanks
bro, keep your blog going. you have an audience member right here. remember a blog doesn't have to dialogue with the world, it can be a memoir that is open to the public. keep your memoir going and who knows who will make it into a feature film one day.
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